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Macedonia Baptist Church
Join us for Sunday Worship
Sunday School – 9:15 a.m.
Morning Worship – 10:30 a.m.
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Service Archive
We provide a collection of past services just in case you weren’t able to make it to church that day! While you’re at it, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you’re always plugged into what’s happening at MBC!
Keep up to date with the goings on at Macedonia Baptist Church.
Macedonia’s mission is simply a restating of Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28. It is a statement that defines what we do – our work as a staff and church – and expresses what drives and guides every ministry of our church.
Life Groups
Our Sunday School/Life Groups have something for all ages,
preschool to adult.
Student Ministry
Our weekly Student Ministry program is full of energy, excitement, fun, and life-changing moments.
There are several projects, community events & church activities to choose from throughout the year.
Womens Ministry
Women’s Ministry at Macedonia provides opportunities for women to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.
Mens Ministry
At Macedonia Baptist, it is our desire to
help men to accept responsibility
and to grow in character and integrity.
Music Ministry
We worship with a healthy mix of traditional and contemporary music, all chosen with the purpose of glorifying our Creator.